
Not taken into account or excluded from consideration. Приклади
  • These problems apart, the country is doing well.
  • All joking aside, I think you're crazy.
Into parts or pieces. Приклади
  • He took his father's watch apart.
  • Split apart.
  • Torn asunder.
Separated or at a distance in place or position or time. Приклади
  • These towns are many miles apart.
  • Stood with his legs apart.
  • Born two years apart.
One from the other. Приклади
  • People can't tell the twins apart.
Placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose. Приклади
  • Had a feeling of being set apart.
  • Quality sets it apart.
  • A day set aside for relaxing.
Away from another or others. Приклади
  • They grew apart over the years.
  • Kept apart from the group out of shyness.
  • Decided to live apart.
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