
An empty area or space. Приклади
  • The huge desert voids.
  • The emptiness of outer space.
  • Without their support he'll be ruling in a vacuum.
The state of nonexistence.
Excrete or discharge from the body.
Take away the legal force of or render ineffective. Приклади
  • Invalidate as a contract.
Clear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place, receptacle, etc.) of something. Приклади
  • The chemist voided the glass bottle.
  • The concert hall was voided of the audience.
Declare invalid. Приклади
  • The contract was annulled.
  • Void a plea.
Containing nothing. Приклади
  • The earth was without form, and void.
Lacking any legal or binding force. Приклади
  • Null and void.
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