
A word used for misbehaving children. Приклади
  • Don't be a silly.
Dazed from or as if from repeated blows. Приклади
  • Knocked silly by the impact.
  • Slaphappy with exhaustion.
Inspiring scornful pity. Приклади
  • How silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years"- Dashiell Hammett.
Lacking seriousness; given to frivolity. Приклади
  • A dizzy blonde.
  • Light-headed teenagers.
  • Silly giggles.
Pungent adjectives of disesteem. Приклади
  • Gave me a cockamamie reason for not going.
  • Wore a goofy hat.
  • A silly idea.
  • Some wacky plan for selling more books.
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