put in

Introduce. Приклади
  • Insert your ticket here.
Break into a conversation. Приклади
  • Her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation.
To insert between other elements. Приклади
  • She interjected clever remarks.
Make an application as for a job or funding. Приклади
  • We put in a grant to the NSF.
Set up for use. Приклади
  • Install the washer and dryer.
  • We put in a new sink.
Keep or lay aside for future use. Приклади
  • Store grain for the winter.
  • The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat.
Devote (time, effort, etc.) to a task. Приклади
  • He put in three hours every day at the hospital.
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