
A film showing a photographic image whose tones correspond to those of the original subject.
Involving advantage or good. Приклади
  • A plus (or positive) factor.
Granting what has been desired or requested. Приклади
  • A favorable reply.
  • A positive answer.
Marked by excessive confidence. Приклади
  • An arrogant and cocksure materialist.
  • So overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen.
  • The less he knows the more positive he gets.
Impossible to deny or disprove. Приклади
  • Incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence.
  • Proof positive.
  • An irrefutable argument.
Formally laid down or imposed. Приклади
  • Positive laws.
Characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc. Приклади
  • A positive attitude.
  • The reviews were all positive.
  • A positive benefit.
  • A positive demand.
Greater than zero. Приклади
  • Positive numbers.
Indicating existence or presence of a suspected condition or pathogen. Приклади
  • A positive pregnancy test.
Having a positive electric charge. Приклади
  • Protons are positive.
Of or relating to positivism. Приклади
  • Positivist thinkers.
  • Positivist doctrine.
  • Positive philosophy.
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