
Make obscure or unclear. Приклади
  • The distinction was obscured.
Make difficult to perceive by sight. Приклади
  • The foliage of the huge tree obscures the view of the lake.
Make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing. Приклади
  • A hidden message.
  • A veiled threat.
Make unclear, indistinct, or blurred. Приклади
  • Her remarks confused the debate.
  • Their words obnubilate their intentions.
Make less visible or unclear. Приклади
  • The stars are obscured by the clouds.
Not clearly understood or expressed. Приклади
  • An obscure turn of phrase.
  • An impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"-Anatole Broyard.
  • Their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear"- P.A.Sorokin.
  • Vague...for.
Marked by difficulty of style or expression. Приклади
  • Much that was dark is now quite clear to me.
  • Those who do not appreciate Kafka's work say his style is obscure.
Remote and separate physically or socially. Приклади
  • Existed over the centuries as a world apart.
  • Preserved because they inhabited a place apart"- W.H.Hudson.
  • Tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization.
  • An obscure village.
Not drawing attention. Приклади
  • An unnoticeable cigarette burn on the carpet.
  • An obscure flaw.
Not famous or acclaimed. Приклади
  • An obscure family.
  • Unsung heroes of the war.
Difficult to find. Приклади
  • Hidden valleys.
  • A hidden cave.
  • An obscure retreat.
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