
Used of things; lacking sense or awareness. Приклади
  • Ignorant hope.
  • Fine innocent weather.
Ignorant of the fundamentals of a given art or branch of knowledge. Приклади
  • Ignorant of quantum mechanics.
  • Musically illiterate.
Lacking general education or knowledge. Приклади
  • An ignorant man.
  • Nescient of contemporary literature.
  • An unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues.
  • Exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions.
Lacking information or knowledge. Приклади
  • An unknowledgeable assistant.
Lacking basic knowledge. Приклади
  • How can someone that age be so ignorant?
  • Inexperienced and new to the real world.
Lacking knowledge or skill. Приклади
  • Unversed in the jargon of the social scientist.
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