go down

Grow smaller. Приклади
  • Interest in the project waned.
Stop operating. Приклади
  • My computer crashed last night.
  • The system goes down at least once a week.
Be defeated. Приклади
  • If America goes down, the free world will go down, too.
Be ingested. Приклади
  • This wine sure goes down well.
  • The food wouldn't go down.
Disappear beyond the horizon. Приклади
  • The sun sets early these days.
Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way. Приклади
  • The temperature is going down.
  • The barometer is falling.
  • The curtain fell on the diva.
  • Her hand went up and then fell again.
Go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned".
Be recorded or remembered. Приклади
  • She will go down as the first feminist.
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