
(computer science) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command.
A cue given to a performer (usually the beginning of the next line to be spoken). Приклади
  • The audience could hear his prompting.
Serve as the inciting cause of. Приклади
  • She prompted me to call my relatives.
Assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned.
Give an incentive for action. Приклади
  • This moved me to sacrifice my career.
Characterized by speed and efficiency.
Performed with little or no delay. Приклади
  • An immediate reply to my letter.
  • Prompt obedience.
  • Was quick to respond.
  • A straightaway denial.
According to schedule or without delay. Приклади
  • They were always on time.
  • A prompt reply.
Quick in apprehending or reacting. Приклади
  • A prompt (or ready) response.
  • A prompt smile.
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