
Make or grow (more) mellow. Приклади
  • These apples need to mellow a bit more.
  • The sun mellowed the fruit.
Become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial. Приклади
  • With age, he mellowed.
Soften, make mellow. Приклади
  • Age and experience mellowed him over the years.
Slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana).
Having or suggesting softness and richness in quality. Приклади
  • A mellow sound.
  • The mellow air brought in the feel of imminent autumn"- Thomas Hardy.
  • A mellowing sun.
Having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience. Приклади
  • Mellow wisdom.
  • The peace of mellow age.
Having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging. Приклади
  • A mellow port.
  • Mellowed fruit.
Unhurried and relaxed. Приклади
  • An easygoing pace.
  • A mellow conversation.
(obsolete) in a mellow manner.
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