
An inclined surface or roadway that moves traffic from one level to another.
An elevated geological formation. Приклади
  • He climbed the steep slope.
  • The house was built on the side of the mountain.
Make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief. Приклади
  • Their language inclines us to believe them.
Be at an angle. Приклади
  • The terrain sloped down.
Lower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow. Приклади
  • She inclined her head to the student.
Bend or turn (one's ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well. Приклади
  • He inclined his ear to the wise old man.
Have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined. Приклади
  • She tends to be nervous before her lectures.
  • These dresses run small.
  • He inclined to corpulence.
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