
Activity involved in maintaining something in good working order. Приклади
  • He wrote the manual on car care.
The work of caring for or attending to someone or something. Приклади
  • No medical care was required.
  • The old car needed constant attention.
Attention and management implying responsibility for safety. Приклади
  • He is in the care of a bodyguard.
Judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger. Приклади
  • He exercised caution in opening the door.
  • He handled the vase with care.
A cause for feeling concern. Приклади
  • His major care was the illness of his wife.
An anxious feeling. Приклади
  • Care had aged him.
  • They hushed it up out of fear of public reaction.
Be concerned with. Приклади
  • I worry about my grades.
Feel concern or interest. Приклади
  • I really care about my work.
  • I don't care.
Prefer or wish to do something. Приклади
  • Do you care to try this dish?
  • Would you like to come along to the movies?
Be in charge of, act on, or dispose of. Приклади
  • I can deal with this crew of workers.
  • This blender can't handle nuts.
  • She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old.
Provide care for. Приклади
  • The nurse was caring for the wounded.
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